Thursday, December 10, 2009

Skinny Jeans : A Not So New Trend

I remember when I was younger about once very year my mother and I would go through her large clothes collection and weed out the things that she had finally decided were definetly out of date, couldn't fit her, or just weren't her style. This was a wonderful time for me because I would then sort through her piles take the rejects and make my own piles. Being the fashionista that I am one pile would be things that I thought were so cute my mother had to be crazy to let go, things that I could cut up and reconstruct to be something totally new, and the absolutely hideous things that I can't believe my mother ever wore and I was so glad that she was giving away-this pile ususally ended up at Salvation Army or donated to some sort of charitable clothing drive. Amongst these piles some time in the late 90's I remember seeing my mother's skinny jeans tossing them to the side thinking it was another fad and would never come back much like the shoulder pad. My mother would say, " You should keep them, everything goes in a big circle there's nothing new.".
It's amazing how many times in life as I grow up and had one of those moments when I realized that the things I thought my parents were absolutely crazy for saying when I was younger come true when I get older. I think about moments like these everytime I slide myself into my skinny jeans, throw on some bangles, and decorate myself with neon make-up and glitter. I look at todays music videos and think " so this is what it looked like back in the day".

So how is it that some people are so shocked and even disgusted by young males wearing skinny jeans? Aren't they just copying the style of men in the 80's who wore straight leg Levi's as they perfected their break dance moves?

Even the founder's of hip-hop Run DMC used to wear skinny jeans and Adidas back in the day? So why is it that now wearing skinny jeans for a male raises unneccesary questions about sexuality?

Come on guys baggy jeans can't last forever. I can't believe rappers such as Jay-Z have actually went as far as to criticize the New Boyz for wearing skinny jeans. Come on they're just kids doing something different.
I'm glad that they are confident enough to go against the grain and try something new. Besides I think skinny jeans are cool and a part of true hip hop.

It's That Time!

ICSY Beautiful Jewelry and Clothing has joined forces with Mz. Know It All to bring you the first Mz. Know It All giveaway contest!!!!!
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